Provide LP

In order to provide liquidity, you'll first have to purchase either BOMB or B2SHARE (have a look at our "How to Buy BOMB" section if you need help in doing so), depending on which you want to provide liquidity for.

Providing liquidity is possible on PancakeSwap. Head over to the Liquidity tab on the left side of your screen. Connect your wallet (make sure your Metamask is on the BSC Network). Now you have to choose the tokens you wish to add liquidity with. For the first, select BTCB or BNB. For the second, choose either BOMB or B2SHARE, respectively.

If BOMB or B2SHARE do not show up, please manually copy/paste the address as shown below.

BOMB: 0x522348779DCb2911539e76A1042aA922F9C47Ee3

B2SHARE: 0x0DF73831C00B157bB0FeD3c06eB475F201B64a78

Click on supply and accept the transaction in your wallet.

Now that you have provided LP, you can head over to and farm your LPs.

Last updated